MUHIMU; Ili kuendelea kusoma makala hii unahitaji uwe umejiunga na KISIMA CHA MAARIFA. Kama tayari ulishajiunga na kuwa mwanachama weka taarifa zako kwenye sehemu ya LOG IN kwenye fomu hapo chini.. Kama bado hujajiunga na KISIMA CHA MAARIFA bonyeza sehemu iliyoandikwa Click here to register na utapata maelekezo pamoja na kujiandikisha.
“We live a senseless life, contrary to the understanding of life by the wisest people of all times. This happens because our young generations are educated in the wrong way—they are taught different sciences but they are not taught the meaning of life.” – Leo Tolstoy Kuiona siku hii nyingine