MUHIMU; Ili kuendelea kusoma makala hii unahitaji uwe umejiunga na KISIMA CHA MAARIFA. Kama tayari ulishajiunga na kuwa mwanachama weka taarifa zako kwenye sehemu ya LOG IN kwenye fomu hapo chini.. Kama bado hujajiunga na KISIMA CHA MAARIFA bonyeza sehemu iliyoandikwa Click here to register na utapata maelekezo pamoja na kujiandikisha.
“The greatest joy, according to the works of Francis Assisi, is that you can endure everything, you can even suffer slander and physical pain, and at the end you are able to feel no animosity toward these sufferings, but you feel joy, because you have faith; such joy cannot be